2006 January to June
Checkout Candy
(12/2006) Why do grocers put candy in the checkout aisle? Because
people buy it!
You can apply the same principle to your Zen Cart store using
Checkout Candy extension.
What the heck is Zen Cart?
(12/2006) A friend of mine asked me this question the other day, so
I thought I'd write a
brief article on e-commerce fundamentals.
Offering Gift Wrapping Services in your Zen Cart Shop
(12/2006) Merry Christmas! It's easy to add gift wrapping to your
service offering - just follow these instructions to learn how to
offer gift wrapping as a
product option in Zen Cart. But if you want a more comprehensive
gift wrapping solution, take a look at my
Zencart Giftwrap Contribution.
Zen Cart Better Together now has Buy One Get One Free
Better Together
has proven to be a very popular
Zen Cart contribution - it allows an Amazon-like linking
of products (buy this product, get this other product at a discount).
But many people
wanted something a bit more specific - a true buy one, get one
free for the same item. So I added this capability in version 1.2
of Better Together.
Zen Cart Precheckout Validity Screen
(11/2006) Lots of people have precheckout considerations
(tires must be purchased in pairs; these items only available
to customers in group 4, you must have at least $50 in your
cart to complete an order). Until now, there was no way to
enforce these prior to checkout. My
Zen Cart Valid Cart Extension
permits you to do this. It is difficult to give an advance
price for a piece
of software that necessarily involves custom programming,
but most validations can be done for $30.
Zen Cart Better Together Multicategory Extension
(11/2006) When I created the
Zen Cart Better Together
Contribution, I imagined simple shops with
categories at the top level and products underneath that - a
relatively flat hierarchy. Well, along came
a client from Europe
selling audio equipment who had literally hundreds of subcategories
along functional and manufacturer lines. I realized
I something much more comprehensive was needed for larger shops -
so I created the
Better Together Multicategory Extension.
(Note: This is no longer available; it has been superseded by
Combination Discounts.)
The Zen Cart Discount Preview Extension
(10/2006) A lot of people have bemoaned the fact that order total discounts in
Zen Cart (such as Group Pricing,
Quantity Discounts and
Better Together)
are not visible until checkout time. I had always resisted adding code
to compute them on the shopping cart page, until I realized that it
could be done without all the overhead of the order total module.
Take a look at
Discount Preview.
Social Bookmarking Zen Cart Interface
(10/2006) I wrote a
social bookmarking
contribution to Zen Cart
which uses
The Socializer.
The Socializer was kind enough to mention
it and create a
That PMP Guy?
(10/2006) I've been studying to take the PMP exam. Now I'm not saying the
material is dull, but ...
So to make it more fun, I thought I'd
build a website to help
prepare for the PMP exam.
I was surprised by the paucity of free exam preparation sites
on the Web; we'll see if mine gains traction.
Note: I received a takedown notice from the nice people at the Project
Management Institute, so this site is no longer available.
New Logo!
When I launched That Software Guy, Inc. back in 2003, I had a very limited budget, so
rather than get a custom logo, I simply bought a
small graphic from
Ron and Joe, whose art I had
used in prior projects. This logo served me well, but business has been
strong enough in the last year for me to finally break down, pry open the
checkbook, and get a custom logo
made by
The Logo Loft. I was very
pleased by
their workmanship!
I Sold DoubtSourcing.com!
Outsourcing is a hot topic that's only getting hotter.
That's why I pounced on a number of outsourcing related
domain names.
Doubtsourcing.com was purchased by the
developer of
a comic strip about South Asian culture. I'll be interested to
see what he does with it. Here's the
George Soros Back in the News
George Soros is once again back in
the news, writing that the chief threat to the world is not North Korea,
Islamic extremism or Chinese militarism,
it's the USA.
Google Trends even shows a slight uptick in
news volume
about the zany Hungarian.
My interest in all of this is pecuniary, of course. I just happen to own
soroswatch.com and
as well as a number of other fine domain names.
Graphics on a Higher Plane!
A former colleague of mine opened an aviation decal business called
Higher Graphics,
and I set up his shopping cart using
Zen Cart.
Zen Cart is a fantastic open source product with an extremely active
user (and contributor) base that I highly recommend to anyone
who wants to open an online store.
Some of the additions that I made to Zen Cart for Higher Graphics were:
- Dynamic price calculation based on attributes
- Linking attributes for validation purposes (dependent attributes)
- Extra image display
I have put together
my own Zen Cart page to show some of
the modifications I have made that others might find useful.