2011 January to June
Zen Cart - Manufacturer Discount
(05/2011) A way to offer discounts by manufacturer with a built in admin panel. If this sounds good to you, take a look at Manufacturer Discount.Zen Cart - Roundup for Charity
(04/2011) You can now easily offer customers the ability to "round up" their purchases to the next dollar or two for charity with my Zen Cart Roundup for Charity extension.Zen Cart - Better Together Centerbox
(04/2011) Better Together offers can now be displayed on the main page using my Zen Cart Better Together Centerbox contribution.And if both of the items in a Better Together linkage are products with no attributes, you can add the "I Want Both" button in the Centerbox for just $20.00! I Want Both works just like Add Both to Cart and Buy Both Now, but it's for the Better Together Centerbox. I Want Both works just like Add Both to Cart and Buy Both Now, but it's for the Better Together Centerbox (instead of the Promotional Page or the Product Info Page).
More features for Zen Cart Big Chooser and Big Spender
(03/2011) Both Zen Cart Big Chooser and Zen Cart Big Spender have been updated with new features that enable you to disallow specific Zen Cart groups from receiving discounts (better interoperability with native Group Pricing) and allow specific Dual Pricing wholesale levels to receive discounts.osCommerce 2.3 Better Together Promotional Page
(03/2011) The osCommerce Better Together Promotional Page is now available for osCommerce 2.3. For product based linkages with products that don't have attributes, there is also an optional "Add Both to Cart" button on the page.Zen Cart - MailChimp Integration Updated
(03/2011) Those mischievous chimps keep changing their forms! My Zen Cart MailChimp Integration has been updated with the latest instructions. Please use the new version of the contribution for any future installations you are doing.Updates to Sale Ending/Special Ending for Zen Cart
(03/2011) Zen Cart Sale Ending/Special Ending has been updated to permit you to have multiple ways to display a sale's end date.The way Zen Cart handles expiry dates is that a sale or special with an end date of X actually ends at midnight the day before X. For instance, a sale which has an enddate of July 12th actually ends at midnight on July 11th, but the sale ending date shows July 12th. Some people don't like this. If you want the sale to end at midnight on July 12th and show this date in sale ending/special ending, set the end date to July 13th in Zen Cart (us usual) and follow the instructions in this mod.
And if you like showing the Sale Ending/Special Ending text on the product info page, you can also show it on your listing pages; this extension is only $20.00.
That Software Guy appears in Largo Library Newsletter
(02/2011) The Winter 2011 edition of the Greater Largo Library Foundation newsletter contains an interview with That Software Guy.