Zen Cart custom software development, Zen Cart modules, Zen Cart Expert eCommerce with Zen Cart!

2010 July to December


(12/2010) This month I have posted updates to Zen Cart What's on Sale and Zen Cart SMS On Sale to fix a couple of minor issues. Merry Christmas from That Software Guy!

Zen Cart - What's on Sale?

(11/2010) If you put individual items on Special, there's a Centerbox which displays them for your customers to see - but what about Sales? Well now, my Zen Cart What's on Sale mod gives you the same ability for Sale items. You may display which categories are on sale, or a sampling of the items from the sale categories.

Zen Cart - MailChimp Integration Updated

(10/2010) My Zen Cart MailChimp Integration has been updated with instructions which mirror the changes MailChimp has made to their subscription form. Please use the new version of the contribution for any future installations you are doing.

Great post by Linda Bustos on the idea of a site search thesaurus

(09/2010) You can read Linda's explanation of the "site search thesaurus" concept. Then, if you use Zen Cart, you can implement it using my Zen Cart Search Helper Contribution.

Updates to all "listing pages" extensions for 1.3.9

(09/2010) Changes in 1.3.9f have been reflected in Zen Cart Sale Ending/Special Ending on listing pages, Zen Cart Better Together Offers on Listing Pages and Zen Cart Combination Discounts Offers on Listing Pages.

Discount Preview fix required for all versions

(09/2010) If you are using my Zen Cart Discount Preview and you are using the shopping cart sidebox (which is optional), you need this bug fix.

Gift Wrap at Checkout for Zen Cart updated with pricing fix

(08/2010) If you are using my Zen Cart Gift Wrap at Checkout mod and using pricing based on the number of items wrapped, grab the latest copy which includes a fix for this configuration.

Zen Cart - MailChimp Integration Updated

(08/2010) If you are using my Zen Cart MailChimp Integration, please get the latest update, which allows your customers to subscribe to your MailChimp newsletter when they create their accounts. If you are also using Zen Cart Newsletter Discounts for MailChimp subscribers, please upgrade; a new version has been released that use the latest API.

Gift Wrap at Checkout for Zen Cart updated to include wrap selection

(07/2010) If you are using my Zen Cart Gift Wrap at Checkout mod, please be sure to grab the latest copy, which includes the ability to allow customers to select their gift wrap (via images or text descriptions).