Zen Cart custom software development, Zen Cart modules, Zen Cart Expert eCommerce with Zen Cart!

2020 July to December

Downloads Fix

Posted December, 2020

Does your store offer downloads? Here's a nice fix.

If you go to Admin > Orders and view an order, you can reset the timer on an expired download so your customer can re-download the file.
download reset in Admin
The trouble is, in some situations, in versions 1.5.6a-c and 1.5.7a-b, it doesn't work; instead, you get a SQL error that looks like this:

    --> PHP Fatal error: 1064:You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''5
                                       WHERE orders_id = 12656
              ' at line 3 :: UPDATE zen_orders_products_download
                                       SET download_maxdays = 0,
                                           download_count = '5
                                       WHERE orders_id = 12656
                                       AND orders_products_download_id = 25334 ==> (as called by) ...

I fixed this bug, and the fix was released in 1.5.7c. Here's the fix, which you can just apply to your copy of admin/orders.php.

Seasonal Centerbox

Posted November, 2020

Seasonal Centerbox allows you to show randomly selected products from a specific category in a centerbox on your home page.

Zen Cart 1.5.7b

Posted November, 2020

The first patch release to Zen Cart 1.5.7 was released at the end of October 2020, with a follow on patch in late November. Several dozen important fixes and improvements are included; see the Zen Cart 1.5.7b Release Notes and the 1.5.7 Known Bugs List.

Test Checkout Email

Posted October, 2020

Preview Email helps you style your HTML emails. But what if you need to test a content change to the most commonly customized email, the checkout (order confirmation) email? In the past, you had to go through the time-consuming process of entering a new order for each test. Now there's Test Checkout Email. Test Checkout Email will take any order you specify and re-send the order confirmation email for that order to you, running it through the same order:send_order_email() function that sent the original email.

Search Helper Admin

Posted September, 2020

My Search Helper plugin can really improve search performance - but it is configured using code, which is not practical for many storeowners. To solve this problem, I created Search Helper Admin.

Orders in Status Dashboard Widget

Posted August, 2020

If you want to show all orders in a specific status in one place on your admin dashboard, this plugin can help. Take a look at Orders in Status Dashboard Widget.

Preview Email and Direct email

Posted August, 2020

If you want to test how your direct email (sent via Admin > Tools > Send Email, or perhaps by Zen Cart Bulk Email) look, you can now use a test input file which will be displayed by Preview Email.

Make a Payment

Posted August, 2020

Zen Cart has no direct mechanism to track accounts receivable, but if you have clients who need to pay you for transactions outside your shopping cart, Make a Payment could be a good solution. It allows your customers to use your cart's existing payment methods to send you money.

Bulk Email

Posted July, 2020

Want to send email to people who have purchased specific products during a specific date range? I have built a tool that can do this for you - it's called Zen Cart Bulk Email.