Please note: This is old content; I have not worked on Prestashop since 2009.
Sort Order in CMS in PrestaShop
A PrestaShop mod which allows you to display CMS pages in the info box in whatever order you desire.By default, CMS pages are displayed in creation order. This mod allows you to order them according to your own preference.
Relevance: PrestaShop 1.2.4 and forward
Donate: This is free software. Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts.

Download: download link
Installation Instructions: click here
Current Version: 1.0
Support Thread: PrestaShop CMS Support Thread
Using this contribution allows you to set the sort order of CMS pages to any desired order.Here's how it works:
- By default, CMS pages are displayed in creation order, as shown
- This mod adds a sort order field to Admin > Modules > Blocks > Info block.
- After, CMS pages are displayed in the specified sort order.
Installation Instructions:
- Back up everything! Try this in a test environment prior to installing it on a live shop.
- Unzip the mod and copy all .php files to the root folder of your shop.
- Run the command "cms.sql" against your database in phpMyAdmin. If you have used a prefix other than "ps_" for your tables, modify this file accordingly (i.e. if config/ has '_DB_PREFIX_' set to 'ps1_', change `ps_cms` to `ps1_cms` in cms.sql.)
- This mod adds a sort order field to Admin > Modules > Blocks > Info block.
If you have not already installed this module, press the "Install" button.
- To set the sort order of any CMS page, press the "Configure" link.
- Donate! Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts.
- You're done! Set the sort orders for your files according to your preference.