Zen Cart Catalog Invoice
A Zen Cart™ mod which allows your customers to create and print their own invoices from past orders.Donate: This is free software. Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts.

Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.5 and above
Current Version: 1.3b (version history)
Support Thread: Catalog Invoice Support Thread
Cost: Free, but donation appreciated
Installed Cost: $100.00 Buy Professional Installation by That Software Guy
Installation Difficulty: Easy
Installation Instructions: click here
Location: Zen Cart Plugins, under Template Alterations
Download: Catalog Invoice in Zen Cart Plugins
If you want to allow your customers to create and print their own invoices from past orders, this mod might be for you.They will see a new button labelled "Invoice" on their My Account page.

As of version 1.1, this button will also appear on their account history page (showing all their orders, not just the most recent ones.)
Clicking this button opens a new browser tab with their invoice for that order. You can click the image below to see what it looks like in full size.

Installation Instructions:
- Back up everything! Try this in a test environment prior to installing it on a live shop.
- Unzip the file you have received.
- In the "includes" directory,
- Rename "custom" to the name of your actual template folder
- Upload the files to your cart.
If you are not using CSS Buttons (Admin > Configuration > Layout Settings),
you will need to create the image for the "Invoice" button
- If you wish to add the invoice button to the Account History Info page, see the instructions in the README inside the zip file.
Major Versions
- 1.3b 04/14/2023 - Fix css issue
- 1.3 02/03/2023 - Update for Zen Cart 1.5.8
- 1.2b 10/16/2021 - Fix bug in file inclusion
- 1.2a 09/06/2020 - Made sure template files were updated, added 1.5.7.
- 1.2 01/28/2019 - Updated for 1.5.6.
- 1.1 01/01/2018 - Added invoice button to the account_history page.
- 1.0 12/03/2016 - First Release