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Zen Cart Common XSell Sort Order

Zen Cart Common XSell Sort Order

A Zen Cart™ mod that allows you to add a sort order to each product that can be used by Cross Selling mods such as Cross Sell Advanced or Extended Family.

Donate: This is free software. Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts. Donate

Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.5 and above

Current Version: 1.0 (version history)

Support Thread: Common XSell Sort Order Support Thread

Cost: Free, but donation appreciated

Installed Cost: $100.00 Buy Professional Installation by That Software Guy

Installation Difficulty: Moderate

Installation Instructions: click here

Location: Zen Cart Plugins, under Admin Tools

Download: Common XSell Sort Order in Zen Cart Plugins


The Cross Sell Advanced module has its own sort order for each product that offers cross sells. This means that if you use the same sort order for products that are offered in cross sells, you have to set it every single time you add that product. What common cross sell gives you is the ability to set a sort order once on each product and have that sort order respected by the Cross Sell module.

At the current time, Common Cross Sell is integrated into Cross Sell Advanced and Extended family, but it could be integrated into any cross selling module with very little effort.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Back up everything! Try this in a test environment prior to installing it on a live shop.
  2. Unzip the file you have received.
  3. Merge the files in YOUR_VERSION below with what you have in your cart.

Common Installation Problems:

  1. If you are running STRICT MySQL, you could get an error updating your database with a blank value for products_xsell_sort_order. Just be sure to cast it to integer before using it in an insert or update, i.e.

       $_POST['products_xsell_sort_order'] = (int)zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['products_xsell_sort_order']); 

Major Versions

  • 1.0 09/01/2016 - First Release