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Zen Cart Copy Sideboxes

Zen Cart Copy Sideboxes

A Zen Cart™ mod which copies sidebox settings from one template to another.

Donate: This is free software. Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts. Donate

Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.3.9, 1.5.x

Current Version: 1.0 (version history)

Support Thread: Copy Sideboxes Support Thread

Cost: Free, but donation appreciated

Installed Cost: $100.00 Buy Professional Installation by That Software Guy

Installation Difficulty: Easy

Installation Instructions: click here

Location: Zen Cart Plugins, under Admin Tools

Download: Copy Sideboxes in Zen Cart Plugins

FAQ: click here


Want to install a new template, but you're dreading reconfiguring the sideboxes you use on the old template? Just use Copy Sideboxes. It does all the hard work for you.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Back up everything! Try this in a test environment prior to installing it on a live shop.
  2. Edit copy_sideboxes.php and set the variables
    $old_template = '';   // FILL IN WITH THE NAME OF THE OLD TEMPLATE 
    $new_template = '';   // FILL IN WITH THE NAME OF THE NEW TEMPLATE 
    For example, if the old template was 'classic' and the new template was 'custom',
    $old_template = 'classic';   // FILL IN WITH THE NAME OF THE OLD TEMPLATE 
    $new_template = 'custom';   // FILL IN WITH THE NAME OF THE NEW TEMPLATE 
  3. Upload the file copy_sideboxes.php to the root directory of your store.
  4. Navigate to http://YOUR-SITE.com/copy_sideboxes.php
  5. Remove the file copy_sideboxes.php from the root directory of your store.
  6. Donate! Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts.
  7. You're done! Enjoy your new template.

Major Versions

  • 1.0 01/01/2014 - First Release