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Zen Cart Orders in Status Dashboard Widget

Zen Cart Orders in Status Dashboard Widget

The Orders in Status Dashboard Widget plugin allows you to show orders in a specific status on your dashboard. This is very helpful if you have an order status which corresponds to needing follow up.

Donate: This is free software. Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts. Donate

Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.5 and above

Current Version: 1.0 (version history)

Support Thread: Orders in Status Dashboard Widget Support Thread

Cost: Free, but donation appreciated

Installed Cost: $200.00 Buy Professional Installation by That Software Guy

Installation Difficulty: Moderate to High - requires some file merging and customization based on the storeowner's needs.

Installation Instructions: See README file bundled with plugin

Location: Zen Cart Plugins, under Admin Tools

Download: Orders in Status Dashboard Widget in Zen Cart Plugins


Orders in Status Dashboard Widget allows you to show orders in a specific status on your admin dashboard. You may also (optionally) change the background or text color for items in this list, depending on conditions such as "when was the order created."

You can see an example in the upper right hand corner of this page of orders in a status which indicates a need to reach out to the customer and ask for a review. Another example is below; orders in "Processing" status, which means they have not completed.
Zen Cart Orders in Processing Status on the dashboard

Major Versions

  • 1.0 08/02/2020 - First Release