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Zen Cart Digital Product Upgrade

Zen Cart Digital Product Upgrade

A Zen Cart™ mod which allows your customers to buy new versions of downloadable products for a fixed price.

Donate: This is free software. Show your appreciation by supporting my efforts. Donate

Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.4 and up.

Current Version: 1.2 (version history)

Support Thread: Digital Product Upgrade Support Thread

Cost: Free, but donation appreciated

Installed Cost: $200.00 Buy Professional Installation by That Software Guy

Installation Difficulty: Easy-Moderate

Installation Instructions: click here

Location: Zen Cart Plugins, under Admin Tools

Download: Digital Product Upgrade in Zen Cart Plugins


Maintaining downloadables is work. It takes time and effort to update your digital products, whether these are videos, music, software or reading material. You need to charge for this so that your business is sustainable - but not necessarily full price. If don't want to charge full price, but just want to have a fixed upgrade fee, this mod can help.

Zen Cart Digital Product Upgrade does this for you. It allows you to create a coupon called "UPGRADE" that permits anyone to buy a downloadable product they have purchased before, at a fixed price.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Back up everything! Try this in a test environment prior to installing it on a live shop.
  2. Unzip the file you have received.
  3. Create a coupon with the Coupon Name and Coupon Code "UPGRADE". Set Uses Per Coupon and Uses Per Customer to blank. Set the Coupon Amount to the final price you wish to use for upgrades. (For me, it's "10" for $10.)
  4. Apply the fix from this post.

Major Versions

  • 1.2 04/14/2019 - Updates for Zen Cart 1.5.6.
  • 1.1 09/18/2016 - Updates for Zen Cart 1.5.5a.
  • 1.0 11/01/2015 - First Release (1.5.4)