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Zen Cart Email Transformation

Let's face it: the emails that Zen Cart produces by default are not that attractive. Some would even say they're ugly.

But the good news is, they can be changed! Even transformed! This is custom work I provide to my support clients only. Pricing details here.

Come work with me and I'll help you!    Let's get started!

Let's take a look at some possibilities.

Order Confirmation Email from My Cart

Zen Cart Order Confirmation email from my cart

Order Confirmation Email from PurelyPoultry

Zen Cart Order Confirmation email from Purely Poultry

Post Order Instructions from KeylessEntryLocks

I created the Zen Cart Order Message mod so people could add small messages or notes to order confirmation emails. People liked it so much, it was added to the Zen Cart core in 1.5.6! But some of my clients wanted more - way more - than this. Here's a client with very detailed RMA terms, which are appended to the bottom of every order email. The document that holds these terms is a define page that can be edited in Admin > Tools > Define Pages Editor.

Zen Cart Order Confirmation appended content from KeylessEntryLocks

Zen Cart Email Customization is offered to my support clients only. (Why?)
Would you like to improve Zen Cart emails? Come work with me and I'll help you!    Let's get started!

Pricing: The price for this module is $300 plus installation and customization costs at my normal hourly rate for support clients.

Can't afford to hire me? You can still benefit from the free software I have released: Preview Email shows you how to try out changes to emails in your browser before committing to them.