Zen Cart Free Shipping Recalculation
Zen Cart allows you to set a dollar threshold, above which your clients will get free shipping. This is generally done in one of these two ways:
- In Admin > Modules > Shipping > Free Shipping Options, there is a settings called "Total >=".
- In Admin > Modules > Order Total > Shipping, there is a setting called "Free Shipping For Orders Over".
This works well, except that if an order total discount is offered (coupons, group discounts, or one of my discounts). When that happens, the total price of an order can fall below your free shipping threshold, but the order will still qualify for free shipping!
However, I can change your cart to recalculate the free shipping threshold after discounts. This modification isn't a zip file you can download and install yourself; I have to make the changes for you depending on your cart files, discounts offered and configuration.
Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.5+
Support Thread: My commercial software is not supported on the Zen Cart forum. Please email me questions instead.
Installed Cost: $200 for Free Shipping Threshold grossed up for any of my Order Total Discounts (Better Together, etc.) and Group Discounts, but not Coupons. $300 for Free Shipping Threshold grossed up for my discounts, Group Discounts and Coupons.
This modification is not sold without installation.
Buy: Buy Free Shipping Recalculation

Pre-purchase questions? No problem! Just Please contact me with your question.
Restrictions: click here. Please read this section carefully; if you have questions, please contact me before purchasing.
Zen Cart User? This is an osCommerce page. Look at the Better Together for Zen Cart World for Zen Cart help.
Incompatibilities: This software does not work with non-standard Zen Cart checkout flows. Please do not order this software if you use
- Fast and Easy checkout
- One Page Checkout
- PayPal Express Checkout
- any other non-standard checkout logic
Checkout Shipping Page - Without Free Shipping Recalculation

Checkout Shipping Page - *With* Free Shipping Recalculation
The Free Shipping option no longer appears
Coupons present a special challenge. The coupon discount is not computed until after the page starts rendering, so it's not possible to automatically throw the user back to the Checkout Shipping page. Instead, the submit button is removed, and an explanation with a link is provided.
Checkout Confirmation Page - Free Shipping Recalculation for Coupon

Restrictions and Interoperability
This mod is based on the standard Zen Cart checkout flow. It is not compatible with other checkout mods such as COWOA, One Page Checkout, Ajax Easy Checkout, etc.This mod is based on the Zen Cart free shipping capabilities provided by the freeoptions shipping module and the shipping order total module. It is not compatible with Free Shipping provided by Advanced Shipper.
I charge a fee starting at $200.00 for the
Free Shipping Recalculation extension.
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