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Manufacturers in Zen Cart

This page describes some ways of determining what the manufacturers id is for a particular manufacturer.

Mods using manufacturers

Mod Category Functions
Big Spender Constraints or discounts using MANUF
Big Chooser Constraints or discounts using MANUF
Spender AutoCoupon Constraints using MANUF
Chooser AutoCoupon Constraints using MANUF

How to determine manufacturer id

Go to Admin > Catalog > Manufacturers. Hover over the green "E" for each of the manufacturers you want and look at the link you get in the the status area of your browser; it will look like


The mID is the manufacturer id. If you don't have a status area in your browser, you can click the link and see the same information in the resulting URL.

If you prefer to use MySQL, you can see all your manufacturers using the SQL command

select manufacturers_id, manufacturers_name from manufacturers;

You can use this in phpMyAdmin.