Zen Cart Price Estimation
Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.3.0 - 1.3.9, 1.5.xCost: Based on your requirements, starting at $180
See it Live: Examples below.
One common criticism complex pricing models which depend on a set of factors is that the customer doesn't see the price until the item is added to the cart. This is because the page that is displayed in the customer's browser is not communicating with the server to get pricing information until the Add to Cart button is pressed.
The best way to remedy this is to provide a method to estimate price on the product info page. This can be done in a variety of ways:
- This product has a popup estimator. It uses text fields for product input.
- This product has a text estimator built into the page that is driven by the drop down attribute lists.
Solutions can also be built that determine price based on radio buttons or checkboxes. Let me know your needs so we can get started!
NB: If you need price estimation for anything other than my dynamically priced item solution, please evaluate Chrome's Dynamic Price Updater before emailing me. His solution doesn't work in all situations, but it is free, so if it works in your cart, you'll save some money. My solution is completely custom work designed specifically for your cart, so it carries a premium price.