Zen Cart Reset Admin Password
If you have forgotten your admin password, I can reset it for you. This is a service I can complete within 24 hours; your Zen Cart must be on the Internet (not on your home computer) with a working FTP and CPanel account.Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.3.9 - 1.5.x
Support Thread: My commercial software is not supported on the Zen Cart forum. Please email me questions instead.
Cost: $100

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Installed Cost: $100.00 (This software is not sold without installation.)
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Pre-purchase questions? No problem! Just Please contact me with your question.
Reset Admin Password is a service which will reset your Zen Cart Admin Password to a new value in case you have lost or forgotten your prior password. This is a service I can complete within 24 hours; your Zen Cart must be on the Internet (not on your home computer) with a working FTP and CPanel account.
I charge a fee of $100 for Zen Cart Reset Admin Password.
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The fee covers software only; installation is extra if you require help.
The fee covers software only; installation is extra if you require help.