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Sale Ending Zen Cart

Zen Cart Sale Ending/Special Ending

Sale Ending/Special Ending is a Zen Cart™ contribution which displays the end date of a sale or special. The end date is shown if an Expiry Date is set on the special (Admin > Catalog > Specials) or an End Date is set on a sale (Admin > Catalog > Salemaker).

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Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.x

Current Version: 1.4 (Sale Ending/Special Ending), 1.3 (on Listing Pages), 1.0 (in Centerboxes) (version history)

Support Thread: Sale Ending/Special Ending Support Thread

Cost: The basic show end date on the product info page is free, but a donation is appreciated.

The extension which shows the sale / special ending on listing pages is $20.

Buy Sale Ending on Listing Pages Now (Note: these low prices covers software only for self-installation.)

The extension which shows the sale / special ending on centerboxes is $20.
Buy Sale Ending Centerbox Now (Note: these low prices covers software only for self-installation.)

Would you like to ask me questions before buying? I'm happy to help likely purchasers make the right decision. Please use my contact form.

Installation Instructions: click here for installation instructions

Installation Difficulty: Moderate (Some file merging)

Location: Zen Cart Plugins, under Marketing Tools.

Download: Download Sale Ending/Special Ending from Zen Cart Plugins

The extension which shows the sale / special ending on listing pages is $20. Buy Sale Ending on Listing Pages Now!

The extension which shows the sale / special ending on centerboxes is $20. Buy Sale Ending Centerbox Now!

Pre-purchase questions? No problem! Just Please contact me with your question.

FAQ: click here for FAQ


This contribution shows the date when a sale or special ends.

E-Commerce expert Jason Billingsley sent out this tweet a while ago:

tweet from Jason

The Sale Ending/Special Ending mod enables you to do this on the product info page. The default display without the Sale Ending/Special Ending mod is as follows:

Zen Cart Example without Sale Ending/Special Ending

With the Sale Ending/Special Ending mod, the end date is shown if an Expiry Date is set on the special (Admin > Catalog > Specials) or an End Date is set on a sale (Admin > Catalog > Salemaker).

Zen Cart Example with Sale Ending/Special Ending

The mod also offers a countdown mode, which some users prefer. Instead of specifying the end date, it shows how many months, days, hours, minute and seconds until the sale or special expires.

Zen Cart Example with Sale Ending/Special Ending in countdown mode

The bootstrap template shows the price on the right hand side of the page right above the add to cart button, so adding it at the end of the Product Price block looks like this:

Zen Cart Example with Sale Ending/Special Ending in countdown mode, bootstrap template

Installation Instructions:

  1. Back up everything! Try this in a test environment prior to installing it on a live shop.
  2. Unzip the file you have received.
  3. Copy the contents of "catalog" to the root directory of your shop.
  4. The final step involves pulling in a file which will display either the expiry date or the countdown timer. Where you pull in the file will be template dependent, but it ought to be close to the product price block.
    The expiry is shown in a div with class "ssblock", so to turn it red, just add this to your stylesheet:
    .ssblock {
       color: red;
a) If you want to show the expiry date:
- Edit includes/templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/templates/tpl_product_info_display.php
- Pull in the file inc_sale_ending.php at an appropriate place.

<?php require($template->get_template_dir('/inc_sale_ending.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/inc_sale_ending.php'); ?>

Note: The way Zen Cart handles expiry dates is that a sale or special with an end date of X actually ends at midnight the day before X. For instance, a sale which has an end date of July 12 actually ends at midnight on July 11, but the sale ending date shows July 12. Some people don't like this. If you want the sale to end at midnight on July 12 and show this date in sale ending/special ending, set the end date to July 13 in Zen Cart (as usual), and do the following:
  1. Edit the file includes/functions/extra_functions/sale_special_ending.php.
  2. Change the last parameter in the function sale_special_ending to true, i.e.
    function sale_special_ending($id, $longdate = true, $one_day_back = true)

b) If you want to show the countdown timer:
Pull in the file inc_sale_ending_countdown.php at an appropriate place.

<?php require($template->get_template_dir('/inc_sale_ending_countdown.php',DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base,'templates'). '/inc_sale_ending_countdown.php'); ?>

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Showing Sale Ending/Special Ending on Listing Pages

Zen Cart Sale Ending/Special Ending on Category Listing page

Zen Cart Sale Ending/Special Ending on New Product Listing page

Sale Ending / Special Ending on listing pages is only $20.00! It shows the Sale Ending / Special Ending text on the All Products, New Products, Featured Products, Search Results and manufacturer and category listing pages.

Showing Sale Ending/Special Ending in Centerboxes

Zen Cart Sale Ending/Special Ending on Centerboxes

Sale Ending / Special Ending on Centerboxes is only $20.00! It shows the Sale Ending/Special Ending text in the centerboxes for New Products, Featured Products and Specials.

Major Versions of Sale Ending/Special Ending

  • 1.4 12/01/2021 - Countdown timer added.
  • 1.3 01/03/2015 - Updated for 1.5.3
  • 1.2 11/06/2011 - Updated for 1.5.0
  • 1.1 03/01/2011 - Update to allow people to quote the date as 1 day before the Zen expiry date.
  • 1.0 06/01/2010 - First Release

Major Versions of Sale Ending/Special Ending in Centerboxes

  • 1.0 12/01/2012 - First Release

Major Versions of Sale Ending/Special Ending on Listing Pages

  • 1.3 09/18/2016 - Updated for Zen Cart 1.5.5a
  • 1.2 01/03/2015 - Updated for Zen Cart 1.5.3
  • 1.1a 11/06/2011 - Updated for Zen Cart 1.5.0
  • 1.1a 02/21/2011 - Added new Sale Ending features
  • 1.1 09/18/2010 - Updated for 1.3.9f
  • 1.0 06/01/2010 - First Release (1.3.8)


Q: How can I modify the styling of the Sale Ending/Special Ending text?
A: There is a css file called
Simply modify the class ssblock in this file.

Q: How can I show Sale Ending/Special Ending text on listing pages?
A: Buy the "Sale Ending/Special Ending on Listing Pages extension from me for $20.00. It shows the Sale Ending / Special Ending text on the All Products, New Products, Featured Products, Search Results and manufacturer and category listing pages.

Q: How can I show Sale Ending/Special Ending text in the Centerboxes on my home page and other pages?
A: Buy the "Sale Ending/Special Ending on Centerboxes extension from me for $20.00. It shows the Sale Ending/Special Ending text in the centerboxes for New Products, Featured Products and Specials.

Q: How can I change the long expiry date from "Friday 26 October, 2012" to "Friday October 26, 2012"?
A: The longdate within this plugin uses the settings for zen_date_long, which is set in includes/languages/english.php Override this by copying it to includes/languages/YOUR_TEMPLATE/english.php, and change
define('DATE_FORMAT_LONG', '%A %d %B, %Y');
define('DATE_FORMAT_LONG', '%A %B %d, %Y'); 

The extension which shows the sale / special ending on listing pages is $20. Buy Sale Ending on Listing Pages Now!
The extension which shows the sale / special ending on centerboxes is $20. Buy Sale Ending Centerbox Now!
The fee covers software only; installation is extra if you require help.