Zen Cart Sales Rep Management
Custom solutions for tracking and managing your sales activities.I have developed a number of these kinds of modifications over the years, and this page is designed to show you what's possible for your store.
Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.x
Cost: Based on your requirements, starting at $300. This is not a plugin; it's custom software developed for your needs to your specifications. Before I can give you a final estimate, we need to discuss your needs.
Want something similar for your store? Great! Contact me with your requirements.
Adding Sales Reps
You need a screen to manage the addition and deletion of sales rep accounts. Here's an example:Assigning Customers to Reps
If you assign customers to specific reps, you'll want to add a dropdown on the customers page like this:Show a Rep their Customers
If customers are assigned to a rep, the rep will need to see their customers. You can do this without giving them admin privileges by creating a catalog side page like this:This screen also allows reps to login as any of their customers. Here's the confirmation dialog they see when they do so:
Allow Customers to Identify their Rep
Some stores don't assign customers to reps, but rather allow customers to identify the rep that helped them. In this case, a dropdown like this on the checkout page will permit tracking of sales to reps: If customers are assigned to a rep, the rep will need to see their customers. You can do this without giving them admin privileges by creating a catalog side page like this:Image credit: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash