Zen Cart custom software development, Zen Cart modules, Zen Cart Expert eCommerce with Zen Cart!

How do you make Zen Cart secure?

Zen Cart Security

Be sure your security strategy includes the following elements:
  • Performing Zen Cart updates as new versions are made available.
  • Installing Zen Cart security patches as vulnerabilities are found and addressed.
  • Keeping your PHP version up to date - being sure to run a supported version of PHP
  • Keeping your Javascript libraries up to date - I use Google Lighthouse to do vulnerability scans, and update accordingly.
  • Regular checks - I do a monthly check for errors on all my clients' sites.
  • Accessing your server securely - both cPanel and FTP access need to be secure.
  • Helping you if you get an account data compromise email from a payment provider.

Sound like a lot of work? It is! That's why Zen Cart support is so valuable. I give my clients a worry-free experience. I'd be happy to help you too!

If you'd rather run your business than run your website, contact me.