Zen Cart Custom Shipping Restrictions
Custom solutions for preventing shipping to areas where it is not permitted. This capability can be particularly important for vendors selling live items (plants, animals) or items subject to regulation (alcohol, firearms, adult oriented content).I have developed a number of these kinds of modifications over the years, and this page is designed to show you what's possible for your store.
Relevance: Zen Cart™ 1.5.x
Cost: Based on your requirements, starting at $300. This is not a plugin; it's custom software developed for your needs to your specifications. Before I can give you a final estimate, we need to discuss your needs.
Want something similar for your store? Great! Contact me with your requirements.
Restricting Delivery by Day
Florists sometimes can only deliver specific flowers on specific days (due to grower shipping schedules). Here's an example of a change to the product editing page that was integrated with the Order Delivery Date mod to support this delivery plan:Shipping Restrictions - by State
A customer who sells livestock has to configure each product according to which states restrict delivery of those products. The restricted states are checked and shown at the top.Shipping Restrictions - Specific Restriction Radio Buttons
One customer who sells live plants faces specific restrictions from a few states on parts of his inventory.Showing Customers the Restrictions in Cart
Mechanisms to communicate the legal restrictions to customers will depend on the complexity of the rules.This vendor has state by state exclusions on specific products.
The plant store shows the rules as footnotes to the cart
This ammunition vendor chose a similar model because the wording was lengthy.