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Zen Cart All Purchases

If your store sells supplies that are frequently repurchased, All Purchases could be a good way for you to make repurchases easy.

All Purchases shows all the products your customers have purchased, on a form that allows them to repurchase them.

This is custom work I provide to my support clients only. Pricing details here.

Come work with me and I'll help you!    Let's get started!

Accessing the All Purchases screen

All Purchases is a link on the Account page.
Zen Cart All Purchases button on My Account page

The All Purchases List

The All Purchases list shows the product name and price, and has an add to cart field allowing for easy repurchase. Here's what it looks like in the Bootstrap template:
Zen Cart All Purchases

And here's what it looks like in Responsive Classic:
Zen Cart All Purchases in Responsive Classic

Zen Cart All Purchases is offered to my support clients only. (Why?)
Would you like your customers to have the All Purchases page? Come work with me and I'll help you!    Let's get started!

Pricing: The price for this module is $50 plus installation and customization costs at my normal hourly rate for support clients.

Related: You may also be interested in Favorites or Order Copy.